Thursday, June 16, 2005

oh, bubba.

i got this from the revealer, the collection of religious news that looks at everything aslant.

my favorite paragraph:

"I got sick of preachers telling me how great Reagan was." (He voted for Reagan in 1980, though he now claims, "I was drunk.") "Jesus don't give endorsements," Mudcat thunders. "He don't give a damn about partisan politics. G-O-P, God's Only Party--that's bool-sheet. And it's bool-sheet that He's a Democrat--they'll tell you to doomsday about Him healing the sick and clothing the nekkid, as if that's proof. He's too big to get involved in partisan politics. I know this, because when I'm in politics, and pray about it, I don't get any answers. But when I pray about my heart, I get an answer right now."

it's bracing. (actually that wasn't my favorite paragraph, it was just the more pinpointed one. this is actually my favorite paragraph:

By now, it should be clear that Mudcat has a foul-language problem. It is the rare utterance that goes by without some similar indelicacy. But he doesn't curse for shock value so much as for percussion, working the blue words like a kick-drum to help his sentences get off on time. "My vocabulary is less than 200 words," he says by way of apology, asking at one point, as a favor to his aged mother, that I not quote him saying he no longer goes to "goddamn church." I accede. (What he actually said was "f--ing church.")


1 comment:

tm said...

Matt Labash is the only columnist at TWStandard worth reading. This:

But he doesn't curse for shock value so much as for percussion, working the blue words like a kick-drum to help his sentences get off on time.

is the best description of the use of swearwords I've ever heard. It also perfectly encapsulates my own swearing. Good find.